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 For the FUT female hair transplantation in Dubai hospitals is called Follicular Unit Transplantation. The FUT method is which a strip of scalp is cut and eliminated from the returned of the pinnacle and dissected into tiny grafts.For the FUE lady hair transplant in  Dubai  hospitals is called Follicular Unit Extraction. The FUE method is a new method of hair transplantation which follicular gadgets are removed in my view from the donor site, so because of this the follicles will remain in the identical kingdom and grow normally within the recipient site in Dubai.


Firstly the transplantation will begin with the medical professional cleaning the scalp. Then nearby anesthetic is used to numb the vicinity so the affected person does no longer sense any soreness. The medical professional will then do away with three to four inches strip of scalp using a scalpel. Once the scalp is eliminated it will be put apart and the scalp could be sutured closed. The sutures could be hidden by the hair around it, so there could be no seen scarring FUT Hair Transplant in Dubai. The removed strip of scalp will then be divided into about 500 to 2000 tiny grafts containing person hairs or some hairs every. The quantity of grafts used will depend on the hair kind, exceptional, colour and the scale of location wherein they may be transplanted. After the grafts are organized the healthcare professional will easy and numb the vicinity wherein the hair goes to be placed. The doctor will then create holes or slits using a scalpel or needle and delicately place every graft in one of the holes. The technique can take from 4-eight hours relying at the quantity of transplantation.


Hair transplant surgical operation is appropriate for girl sufferers who're;

Patients must have healthy hair boom on the returned and facets of the head.

Patients need to be over the age of 18.

Patients ought to be at an excellent fitness situation.

Both male and girl patients are able to have a hair transplantation


Patients need to have a shower and wash the hair earlier than the transplantation.

Smoking need to be quitted 24 hours before the transplantation.

Alcohol should be prevented from three days before the transplantation.

Patients need to prevent taking medicine, natural supplements and nutrients every week earlier than the surgical operation.

Patients ought to put on unfastened garb like shirts which don’t pull over the hair.


Patients need to keep away from touching the grafts as they will fall out in their incisions.

Patients ought to sleep with their head multiplied.

Patients must use medication and boom spray prescribed by using the physician successfully and on time.

Shampoo may be used 48 hours after the transplantation.

Sexual sex must be avoided for per week after the transplantation.

Physical interest need to be to minimal for as a minimum per week.

Patients need to now not bend or lean forward and avoid blowing their nose too strongly until a week after the FUT Hair Transplantation

Patients may also want to wear a dressing over the pinnacle for some days.

New hair will begin to develop after 3 months from the transplantation.


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